
Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology
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Joint Research Center on HIRF and Lightning Effects

Release time:
2017/11/30 23:03


On June 4th and October 22nd 2013, the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Environmental Effects for Aerospace Vehicle (SHE3 Lab) of Shanghai Radio Equipment Research Institute (REI) of SAST and the Electromagnetic Communication Laboratory (ECL) of The Pennsylvania State University signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) and Agreement on Framework of "Joint Research Center on HIRF and Lightning Effects"(AOF), separately. The conjoint over-sea center was founded on Nov. 23rd 2013. The overall goals of the "Joint Research Center" are to implement multi-scale research projects; exchange scientific information; provide students and young scientists with international education and technical training opportunities; and serve as a scientific forum for international cooperation as well as a scientific center for long-term study of the complex HIRF and Lightning phenomena.

Both Parties have agreed to lay the foundations of bilateral friendly co-operation, to promote and exchange information to further cooperation for the development of certain research areas. 

The two sides have agreed to establish further co-operation towards the development of techniques for electromagnetic simulation of High Intensity Radiated Fields, Lightning effects on complex systems and techniques for designing antennas for a variety of applications, to be carried out by establishing strategic partnership.