
Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology
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Sino-Germany Joint R&D Center on Electromagnetics

Release time:
2017/12/02 13:32

The Shanghai Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Environmental Effects for Aerospace Vehicle (SHE3 Lab) of Shanghai Radio Equipment Research Institute (REI) of SAST and the High-Frequency Engineering Laboratory (HEL) of Technische Universität München signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) and Agreement on Framework of "Sino-Germany Joint R&D Center on Electromagnetics "(AOF), separately on May 19th 2015 and December 1st 2016. The conjoint over-sea center was founded on Dec. 3rd 2016. The overall goals of the "Joint R&D Center" are to implement multi-scale research projects; exchange scientific information; provide students and young scientists with international education and technical training opportunities; and serve as a scientific forum for international cooperation as well as a scientific center for long-term study of the complex electromagnetics phenomena.

Both Parties have agreed to lay the foundations of bilateral friendly co-operation, to promote and exchange information to further cooperation for the development of certain research areas.

The two sides have agreed to establish further co-operation towards the development of techniques for computational electromagnetism and Near-Field to Far-Field Transformation for a variety of applications, to be carried out by establishing strategic partnership.

The two sides have agreed to host proposed biennial seminars, to be held on a rotating basis in China and in Germany. Video conferences or other electronic means of communication shall be used in the event co-located meetings are not possible.

The two sides intend to jointly apply for Chinese government-funded projects on high intensity radiated fields, lightning, Near-Field to Far-Field Transformations and etc. The details of individual projects will be determined through a separate and independent agreement between the parties.